Saturday, December 26, 2009


We had such a wonderful Christmas Day. We went to our friend's home for
an afternoon and evening of lights and a charming holiday atmosphere. The
dining room looked like an intimate Christmas cave.....with more lights,
garlands of various textures, finely detailed paper snowflakes, poinsettia, and
the beautiful little Christmas tree in photo #2.
The conversation was lively and filled with lots of laughs, some jokes of course,
some serious discussions, and just the warmth of spending time with good friends.
The dinner was absolutely fantastic, let me tell you!!! Every item on the menu was a
special treat in culinary tastes. Red peppers stuffed with what only God and Ed know!
The turkey, garlic mashed potatoes and turkey with cranberry sauce and gravy all made
with as much attention as if it was the central focus of the meal. And of course, the desserts....
a pecan pie made with REAL Texas pecans, and a yummy cheesecake with two sauces
rounded off the well as rounding off this happy guest....especially around the hips!
I appreciated this entire Christmas season which was filled with many of the things
that I truly value.....all involving the specialness of endearing relationships. I hope all of you
carry the same warm glow in your memories of Christmas of 2009.........the bitter-sweet as
well as the joy.
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