Sunday, September 6, 2009


I was looking over the photos from my trip to the Animal Park and wondered
how I could not have remembered to include these 3 "wee" beasties! The Lion
was a little beat-up looking and I imagine advanced in years. But from the looks
of that tongue and the general size of him, I'd respect and give him a very wide
berth if that fence wasn't securely in place.
The Tiger is a Siberian white and she is just beautiful. Soon after I shot this photo
she got up stretched and wandered around, growling and acting very fierce. She
looked like pure muscle to me......beautiful animal.
The Bear isn't my favorite of photos but the best I could do that day. He's actually
standing up on his hind legs, along with his buddy a smaller black bear, and
begging for any 'goodies' people might throw their way. What doesn't make it into
their enclosure, the birds get.
Anyone who has the chance should make it a point to visit the Animal Park. Back
when I lived in San Francisco, I'd find myself at the SF zoo about once a month if I
could. My Grandmother was the only one I know of who, like me, loved everything about the
zoo, including the smells! I'd bring my younger sister and her friends...good reason, huh?
At 2 o'clock
sharp they'd feed the 'big cats' in the lion house......a big cement cave that echoed with
the roars of all the lions and tigers.....and I remember there being a lot of them!
It was very scary sounding, even with all the individual cages.
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