Sunday, November 11, 2012


We got one of our major storms last week and it ushers in my favorite season of the year.  Fall and winter and the cool wet weather washes away the summer dust and lazy doldrums.  While we usually always have some ocean breezes here on the south coast, the stormy fierce winds of our winter storms rile up the Pacific in a wild and dramatic way.  The surf crashing against rocks and jetties can be so exciting and always intice me to pull out my camera as each minute brings yet another opportunity.  A sense of danger.   A few years ago, and some of you might remember me writing about it in a previous post, a bad storm sent migrating flocks of pelicans flocking towards the shelter of land.   I was told about that there were many in  Bandon down at the jetty there, but nothing could have prepared me for that sight~~Thousands and thousands of pelicans!  It was absolutely thrilling to me.  Me twirling in circles trying to shoot faster and faster photos than I could keep up with as I was surrounded by all these moving big birds. 
This photo above reminds me of the drama that this time of year can bring to photography.  As nice as the sun is in spring (or not) but especially summer.........I much prefer the fall and winter.  In putting the garden to bed there is the anticipation of warm fires, comfort stews and soups, flannel sheets and crisp, brisk walks.  I dream of again pulling out my paints or pastels and exercising that part of me again, or photo editing or just drifting off into a little nap.  And it brings a sense of renewal.......moving towards the newness of all that spring will hold. 

This second photo was taken from our deck and looking out toward Battle Rock and the Pacific.  The storm was breaking up and the sun trying to make an appearance.  The mists were rising upwards from the wet canyon floor......twisting up around the tall trees of the forest below.  It was another another special moment in Port Orford.

So starts another new week and I hope it's a great one for all.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's most exciting, until something becomes dangerous,and you find yourself in the middle of a catastrophy.
