Doesn't this first photo look like you'd be stepping into another room or maybe like Alice, stepping through a door into who-knows-what. Through the dark silhouette of trees in the background you can see the blue of Nellie's Cove peeking through. Not a spectacular shot but the mystery it could represent appealed to me.
Today was a fairly quiet day. First thing this morning I heard Ray next door getting after his yellow dandelions with his mower. Well, I can't have my yard looking like the Beverly Hillbillies, so out came my ever-nifty weed whacker. Done within the hour. I'd like to think that it will last until the rains but I know better. The growth and flowering of our most prolific yellow flower is at it's peak right now........ and feeling vigorious! Darn! But for today and tomorrow there are no dandelions to mar the beauty of the deep tan where green grass used to grow. This is summer after all!

This second photo was taken of one of those flat rocks that can be seen toward the north end of the Heads trail. This might have been the one where I photographed a year or so ago that was full of basking seals. I always seem drawn to take yet another shot of it every time I go up there. All that wave action around changes constantly as well as the sea colors. I love it!!

We watched the movie tonight......."It's Complicated". There were some funny lines in it, although to tell you the truth, I did get a little tired of Meryl Strepe constantly laughing, laughing and more laughing. I don't think I spelt Meryl's last name right back there, but I don't care enough to look it up. I am enjoying watching the Doc Martin series on Netflick's Instant Watch. The scenery is beautiful and there are some scenes that do look so much like our own south coast! Beautiful!!
And even the odd cast of characters reminds Norm and I a little bit of some of our own 'local color' of Port Orford.
So, tomorrow I'm off with the gals to do some Elk River shooting, then lunch at the constantly wonderful, Redfish.
And all of you have a great Friday!! You've been waiting ALL week long for the day to come and it finally has.......Be truthful, isn't Friday's anticipation almost better than the actual weekend??
Which ever it is for you..........have a great and safe weekend!
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