We all have those kind of days, don't we?? Just lots of errands and appointments up in the Bay Area. You know, I've never been comfortable using that term in regards to North Bend/Coos Bay. That's the term I reserve for the San Francisco Bay Area.....So, I hereby give up trying to use it in reference to this area.
But back to the subject at hand, which is ????? A bone density scan for Donna, an oil change for my car, a pathetic lunch out, shopping at WalMart and not one new photo to take all day. So, we find ourselves back out at the beach in the Cape. This first shot is closer view of some of the dunes that lead up to the surrounding forests. Again, that wonderful fog doing interesting things to the atmosphere and mood. Doesn't that sand look pristine without a track or footprint to mar the smoothness. Beautiful.....

And this little gem........I think Karen said it was a fossil........and if you click on it, you'll be transferred to a larger image and you can see the shells inside. I haven't done any touching up or editing whatsoever with this image. It turned out nice and sharp, huh?

One little side trip we made today was to the North Bend airport. I guess it's been longer than I realized since I've flown anywhere because the airport wasn't where I left it!! A brand new one, which we eventually made our way to, was up the hill and around this and that. I don't know if I like it yet or not. It's so very different from the last one, which was simple and functional in the extreme. This one is quite arty.......it'll just take a little getting used to. There weren't any flights coming or going so the parking lots and the terminal was fairly empty. I had gone in because I had heard that there was a display of photographs there of the southern Oregon coastal cities and scenes. Nope, they weren't there and the manager said there had never been any. There should be though.........the place looked a little on the sterile side. It'll be interesting to see what that whole area of the city will look like in another 5 years or so. There is so much potential up there around the airport.
Hope everyone has a good Thursday..........we're in the home stretch now towards the weekend.......I'm going to enjoy a lunch with friends and go for a little shooting up the Elk River. Hopefully, I'll have some new stuff to show you tomorrow..........Bye, for now.
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