This time of year the garden is producing more vegetables that I can keep up with. I canned about 16 pints of pickled beets this morning. Ever notice that most people either love or hate beets......pickled or not. It might be a texture thing since the taste isn't really that strong.
And the lettuce is hard to keep up with.........I'm feeling like a rabbit these days. If anyone in the area would like to pick some lettuce (Romaine) just give a call. The zucchini is behaving just like zucchini does....over-producer that it is. And the string beans are finally starting to produce a little. The basil needs picking so that means more pesto. Lots of greens, huh? And the fresh is always so much better than the store bought.......no offense, Rays, or Safeway, or etc.
Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday........You can just picture me dancing around my now-WORKING computer!! A good day!!
My pleasure - Norm has a great wine cellar!!!