We had guests for dinner tonight so I was sticking close to home today and had some really nice communications.....phone, email, phone again.......all good stuff.
Rick was showing me how to post this blog onto Facebook and I'll be trying that tonight while it's
(hopefully) still fresh in my mind.
In the meantime I'll tell you about these photos I'm posting here tonight. They were both taken on our walk up on the Heads........This first one is my favorite of the two......have you ever seen a dead tree (I call them ghost trees) looking so beautiful? That silver of the tree and rocks against the blue sea is very appealing to me.

There is still a lot of summer left although not too warm this year.....We're going to plant another crop of lettuce. Unless the rains start very early this year, I think we can still enjoy the fresh from the garden salads. Tomorrow it's pick the basil and make more pesto. I like garlic so well that my pesto could also be called The Vampire Deterrent! Well, it works for me!
Have a wonderful Thursday and remember to laugh!

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