That how Mr. Tuccori would refer to a windy day. He'd leave off the 'day' part.......coming over from Italy his little English flaws were a never-ending source of good-humored giggles between myself and his daughter, one of my best friends in high school. Even now, Norm and I will use the same term......."What a windy...." describing some of Port Orford's more robust days.
This first photo was another from last weeks shoot over on Arizona Street. I love the reeds in many of these photos. Love their texture and contrast.

This second photo is of our Nativity scene. My sister, Beverly, brought it back for me many years ago when she vacationed in Mexico. Norm build a creche for it and it's one of my favorite 'treasures' each Christmas. There was one Christmas, many years ago when we lived in Grass Valley. A sweet little girl down the road from us was dying of leukemia. I wanted her to have a Nativity scene, ordered one and had Norm make a creche for it also. Christmas got closer and closer and still no Nativity scene, which was to be delivered UPS.
I was afraid that my one 'great wish' wasn't going to happen in time. Then!! Christmas Eve in late afternoon, up pulled the UPS truck with the Nativity! Talk about dramatic timing!! I wrapped it all up and ran it down to my neighbors house. So.......that memory is also wrapped up in my own Nativity that comes out every year. Sweet memories.......

......everyone have a wonderful Wednesday and try not to fly away with our latest coastal wind-storm!!
What nice photos, and such a wonderful holiday story! Thanks for sharing it Donna.