I did most of my Christmas shopping yesterday up in Coos Bay!! That is a VERY big accomplishment considering how many we give gifts to. And now the grandkids are "begotting" like crazy and there are 3 great-grandchildren with more not far behind, I'm sure. The stores were busy but not as bad as I was afraid they might be..........but I'm sure it'll only get busier as time moves closer to Christmas. Lots of great deals this year if that holds any interest for you.
I'll be putting up a Christmas tree probably this weekend. I'm one of those with an artificial tree. A number of years ago the 'fresh' tree almost burnt the house down AND I found a bird nest in it. Of course, that nest was left over from the previous summer but still I hate to cut down a tree.....any tree. Hmmmm........do you suppose that might be why the weeds have free reign in my yard?? Think.......little trees! 8-))
Anyway, last year I didn't put up a tree and missed it. I've collected Christmas ornaments from every country I've visited plus so many memories are attached to the others. It'll be worth the extra work when it's up and 'dressed'. Like greeting family and old friends..........and times past.

This first photo is what I'm calling 'Hansen's pond'. It's on Paradise Point Road and this marsh is down the hill from Doug and Karen Hansen's beautiful Compass Rose B & B. As you can tell, I'm still fooling around with the HDR. Love the different textures in this image though.

And this second gorgeous sight was looking out over our canyon towards the west last night. I was on my way home from my Christmas shopping and the sky was so incredible with different light, clouds, backgrounds and foregrounds. It's a good thing I didn't have my camera with me or else I'd never have gotten home. Each view seemed more beautiful than the last. Thankfully, this sight was still there for me to shoot from our deck. Pretty great, huh??
Hoping you all have a great weekend........there sure is a lot going on around our Port Orford area tomorrow...........sales, bazaars, theater, art, goodies to eat and drink, etc. Enjoy the season!!
Donna, Great stories, great photos. In the second photo the sky seems to be on fire and what a nice silhouette of trees to adorn the foreground. We are getting very spectacular reds and oranges in our Carmel sunsets as well. I wonder if the erupting volcano in Indonesia has anything to do with it? Merry Christmas Season!