OK......it's a bit of a stretch, but it IS that time of year so I can be forgiven for being a bit whimsical, huh? This elk herd was in the Sixes pasture this morning as we headed up to Coos Bay. I was surprised they were still there when we headed back home. There's no way I can convince my 'driver' to stop on the way TO our destination, but homeward-bound, we stop. I don't understand it myself........I think it's one of those marriage contract things.......(read the very small print!) So, the first photo is of almost the entire herd......stretched out and enjoying their rest in the rain. This second shot, I love! The "Holy One" that is all aglow is actually one of the cows shaking off some of our Oregon liquid sunshine. She does look special, though, doesn't she??

This third photo, I was just fooling around seeing how one of these would look in black and white. Not too bad, I think. Although I like the lines of that tree in the background more than the elk

So........finished up all of the shopping before Christmas! I picked up a special order gift for 'my own favorite Santa' while he busied himself looking around for something for me. I amazed myself in how I was able to weave and maneuver around the people, the aisles and any surprises that lurked behind stacks of Christmas gifts that were set out to tempt the hesitant or undecided shoppers..........sort of like "my own favorite Santa". I did actually see him once looking over something that I'm SOOO glad he didn't get!
The kids are obviously out of school this week and especially the teenage girls looked so cute. There was one I saw that had bright pink leggings (with crazy design), a little fru-fru short skiry, a big pink bow in her hair and goofy shoes. I wish I'd had my camera!!
Well, the rest of the week will be busy with last minute holiday things to do........I'm looking forward to it. And with this crazy weather we've been having it's just the right mood to have a warm fire going and me baking and wrapping gifts.......I'm still not quite finished. There's always a couple more that seem to pop up for me to give every year.
Hope your week is off to a great start........the weather is pretty wild and the hail thundering down can cause a concern to drivers so if you have to get out in it, be careful!!
Happy Holidays!!
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