Boy! Today has been one of those 'I feel like a slug' kind of days..........Slow, slow and slower.
OK, I guess.......nothing all that pressing to accomplish this Monday. Baked some bread and made up a new batch of dough for future loaves. Other this n' that around the house.

This first photo has to be viewed in large to appreciate the light......And I have noticed how much I like, lately, looking at the world of flowers from upside down. Don't know what that means and maybe that's for the best, huh? 8-))

Tonight we get to see the final episode of the season for "True Blood". All those fangs and that there are shape shifters, werewolves and faieries. A great escape and tonight we'll find out if Eric is destroyed by seeking the sun or will he return for another bite?? Funny thing about fantasies and how far they stray from reality. Last night I was telling of our first (and last) attempt at slaughtering (Norm's job) a pullet hen, cleaning (my job) and cooking up chicken (my job) for dinner. I think I've told the story here before.......needless to say, a disaster from A to Z. So, thinking about it today I realize that I would never, never make a good vampire. The smell of dirt and blood remained with me for a good week. Now that's a little bit in information about me that I'm sure you'll find useful.
OK....the last photo is a macro look down at a bloom on one of the trumpet flowers, a late blooming vine perenniel. It took years before it finally began blooming and now is just loaded with heavy flowers every late summer into fall. The hummingbirds love it! Me, too.
So, what's going on with your Tuesday?? Tomorrow morning I meet with a good friend for coffee and chat. She's only here for the summer months and we haven't gotten together nearly enough this year.......I'll bring my camera and see if I can't get some new interesting shots to share. She has a beautiful view throught the trees of the Port Orford dock. Come back tomorrow and take a look. And enjoy your day!! You can make it the best!
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