Did not the weatherman predict rain!! Does he not know where of he speaks?? So, with that in mind, I decided to make my own 'lack of color' day by posting these photos. This first one you probably recognize as Charleston Marina again. I noticed all the triangular reflections and shapes in the foreground. They seemed to get lost with color because of the busy lines of masts and lines of the boats. I see they stand out more in black and white. This is one of those scenes I seldom get bored with.......mainly because of the Marine Biology cabins in the background. They look like they belong on the eastern seaboard. Where's the lobster???

We had to bring Norm's truck in for servicing and some recall problem with the gas and brake pedals. It gave me a good chance to just sit, sip coffee and read a print out I had on photography tips. Nice way to spend a morning.
Have many of you eaten at the Blue Heron in Coos Bay? We've only been in a few times, but we do like it. Good food........although maybe a bit too much. It's mainly a German menu with Norman Rockwell posters all over the walls. German with a large dash of Americana. Our waitress was very cute........and she laughed at all the right times in listening to Norm's jokes. An extra tip for that gal!!

I took this shot, from the moving car, just on the north side of the Coquille River. The clouds are starting to get interesting and in this one I particularly like the contrast of the silhouette of the trees. No chance to use a tri-pod here.
Tomorrow we head down to see one of Norm's Navy buddies who is staying in Gold Beach. I'll visit with his wife and if there is no rain, the two guys will go out to do some Rogue River fishing. I noticed that the rivers were filling up with hopefuls for that "big one" that might have gotten away last year. Although, now that I think about it, don't the salmon that are going upstream die once they get there?? Well, whatever Norm and his bud bring home I hope they remember to clean it.........I eat it fish. I don't do fish cleaning.
Friday tomorrow!! Happy plans for the weekend?? So have a great time of it!
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