One of my neighbors thought I should include a photo of our new dumpster for my blog. ya' go. Here on Gold Run Road, this is how we're handling our problem with the bear.
I guess there might have been a trap set but after hearing of the horrible experience with trap and bear up on Hensley Hill a year or so ago, I don't think any of us wanted this problem handled that way. So.....a dumpster!! I think it looks a lot better than the row of garbage cans, each with it's own plastic bottle of amonia and maybe some other determents.........all of which seemed to have not worked the last time. I think the bear now knows that if he throws the cans out onto the street, the yummy pickin's will spill out and the amonia + won't be as much of a problem. Well, he can't get into this!! We're hoping that we can keep this dumpster all year long........although I think CTR only wants to let us use this until the bear goes into hibernation.
But for now, this is the most humane way to handle this and (knock on wood) it seems to be working very well.

I went to the Art Walk with Nancy last's become so well attended! I don't know what the count is but I really think the tourist traffic this year is above normal........Good for the town. And some of the new art in town is always fun to check out, along with various friends that stop and chat. Lois Miller has some new work in Point B Gallery.....Wow! She is so good!! Great photos!! The Candle Shop had various artists work for sale..........I picked up some super reasonably priced beaded bracelets for some of my younger female relatives...(can't give too much away here). I've been wanting to stop in Carrie Grant's increasingly popular photography studio, which I did. More on that tomorrow or Tuesday but let me say her studio is full of great creativity! .........Then there was Redfish, which is always super wonderful! That's my 'Look and dream" gallery!

This photo I call "Light". Especially when viewed large, the light coming through the soft yellowing leaves was beautiful. And the dark tree trunks just give dimension and contrast. Very simple but it works for me.
Now, it's Sunday and I think we're off to Rotary's Show and Shine. I've never attended one before.....I know, I must be alone in that........but it's a good day to see something different and get there before the wind gets blowing much stronger.
I hope everyone is having a great Labor Day weekend.............
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