On Facebook, Sarah, had posted that she had made up some "Dr. Pepper pulled pork." I'd only had pulled pork once in my life but the title of this dish had me looking up the recipe to make it myself. Sometimes the name of a dish just pulls you in, doesn't it? I mean, there's my "Chocolate Lumpies" that I have to bake up every Christmas.......and the name lives up to the results. Anyway, the Dr. Pepper pulled pork was delicious. Some friends over to share in the experiment was fun, too. Easy dinner, great company and lots of laughing........
One of my projects this winter seems to be doing some re-decorating using French Country as a guide. I'm trying to put the brakes on, though, with the paint brush in looking around at all the wood furniture that might be improved...........I'll have to live with the results for a long time and need to pull back my impulsive nature right now. I enjoy some of the changes though. Norm and I've decided to just not bother anymore with trying to sell our place. The real estate market doesn't look like it's going to improve in quite a while so rather than thinking about a future home, let's re-invent the one we have!
Interesting event a couple of weeks ago when I saw online that my ex-husband had died. That sure takes you back down memory lane! Even though I hadn't seen him, or been in contact with him in decades, it's still saying good-bye to a part of your life that is no more. Funny how in examining some of the past history, the lines between who was at fault, who did what to whom, who was nice and not so nice, the lines blur...........opinions soften..........and accusations cease to matter. It was a nice realization and brought a sense of peace. So.......saying good-bye and God Speed to another.....
Hope you all have a great week........travel safe is you need to be out in this coming weeks storms.
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