While Norm and I were touring different areas of Garrison Lake around Port Orford, we ended with one of the boat ramps where we could see two men down at the end fishing. We pulled in next to a SUV that had Alaskan license plates. We were going to a friend's for dinner that night specifically for me to meet a couple from Haines, Alaska, that Karen had while running on the beach. In finding out that we would be up in Alaska this summer and stopping off a Skagway, they graciously invited us to take the ferry over to Haines, where they live and work. As I noticed the Alaskan plates, I thought "I just bet these were the people we would be meeting later on that night" and sure enough, they turned out to be exactly that. We did talk a bit but the best was to come later over at the Compass Rose for dinner with McCoy and Marie from Haines, Nancy Fraser and of course Karen and Doug. Marie had brought some smoked salmon spread that was out of this world good. For the rest of the evening they entertained all of us with such wonderful stories of their very amazing life. They have lived in so many places around the country......from Florida to Texas, New Jersey to Alaska. Alaska is where they've lived and raised their family for the past (might be wrong here) 14 years or longer. McCoy is a commercial fisherman and a very independent soul at that.......lots of really incredible tales that would wilt the average soul. And Marie is cut from the same mold. They have a home here in Port Orford where they live for 6 months.......the winter of course. In another 4 weeks or so, they'll be driving back up to Haines and the 11 FEET of snow that is awaiting them.........and winter isn't over so who knows how much more will fall. It was fascinating to hear what a different type of life they live, how they look at things and their culture, really.......
I am sooo looking forward to visiting! I found some wonderful blogs as well as a fantastic wildlife photographer's work to view. The photographer is Tom Horn and his website is Eagle Valley Photography. Heather Lende is an author from Haines who writes for a Woman's Day magazine, an extensive blog and lots of links to various Alaskan websites..........plus a book that I ordered "If You Lived Here, I'd Know Your Name"........about life in small town Alaskan town, Haines. Plus, a wife and mother to 5 and grandmother to 2. Another robust soul!

These are some photos I took yesterday around the lake. The one on top is of some early pussy willows breaking into bloom...........And as par for this winter, we had a bit of snow this morning followed by hail. Then a sunny and warm afternoon. I give up trying to figure out what might happen next!
The photo just above is of one of the ramps and I loved the sort of abstract lines, reflections and various floatings on the top of the water.
I was remembering how after I went up to Alaska a number of years ago for the first time, I came home to Port Orford and recognized how much of nature was the same here.........not as immense but a definite show of "The Pacific Northwest" compared to my home state of California. We do live in such an incrediblely beautiful place......and don't have to deal with half a 6 months or so with snow and harsh conditions. I'm thinking it should be just perfect up in Alaska this summer.........
Am I excited???
Oh, yeah!!

Hope everyone has a terrific week ahead!
So glad to meet you!