And now I've come across another courageous lady who is doing something similar. Rosaria Williams is a lady who lives here in Port Orford.........very well respected and admired. I haven't had the priviledge of meeting her yet except by computer, but impressed I am that she is writing a blog that will be healing to not only herself, I think, but to others as well. Most all of us, if we're old enough, have experienced the loss of a loved one. Some of us hold it in tight and are not comfortable in sharing our pain with others.......and that's fine.......that's the way most people try and handle it. But at times that pain can squeeze the heart so much that it feels isolating and we don't always know that those feelings and crazy thoughts are common and felt by others as well. That was one of the most common statements I'd hear from newcomers to bereavement...."I feel so alone.......I feel like I'm going crazy." Of course there is pathological grief, but we're not talking about that here. When we hear, or read what others think and feel......how much they miss the person gone.....what life looks like now and how they try to deal with it.........these are very healing and beautiful sharings in the face of such loss. I recommend to all that you check out this touching and so worthwhile sharing that Rosaria is writing........the blog link is http://tracesofmyson.blogspot.com/ ......... It will also hold some important musings that any of us might use in our own future griefs that might come along. We all seek happiness and healing, security and laughter.......Recovering, or at least coming to terms with grief can lead us to some measure of Acceptance. And if we're able to pass these healings on to others in word or action, then, welcome to the human race in one of it's most beautiful acts of giving.