Here on the south coast we all have a pretty good idea that winter is here......even if the calendar is a little behind the time. We went over to Roseburg a couple of days ago and the fog over in Coquille was thick and mysterious looking. I love the various effects that it gives nature. Oh, there was one sight that I wish I could have had my chauffeur stop for so I could take a quick photo........It was a grove of trees, completely bare of any leaves. In the gray fog, it gave the mystical appearance, but in the middle of the group there was one large tree not only holding all it's leaves but they were bright gold.........really showing off a great contrast. Beautiful!!

How are your plans and activities coming along towards Christmas?? I managed to have most all of my gifts just waiting to be wrapped up and some mailed off. I put up our Christmas tree yesterday and all the trimmings around the house today. Ahhhh............it feels good!! You might call it smug.......and you'd probably be right. *-))
A couple of weeks ago Norm and I were shopping up at WalMart in Coos Bay. We had finished and I needed to visit the ladies room before heading home. As Norm was waiting for me a younger man approached him and said, "Thank you for your service, Chief." with an outstretched hand to shake. He was in civilian clothes so there was no knowing if he was in the service, but probably so since he knew Norm's rank by the USN-ret SCPO cap he was wearing. It might seem like such a simple gesture, but it meant so much!!! I imagine that particular baseball cap might just be his favorite one to wear now. And if he forgets I'll remind him. I felt so proud of him!
Well, cold weather tonight and tomorrow night.........keep warm and be carefull if you have to drive anywhere.......Enjoy the season!
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