Are you all having a good holiday week?? The count-down has begun and it's only 6 days until Christmas. All my baking is done.......all packages gift-wrapped and under the tree......tomorrow off to Coos Bay/North Bend to deliver some gifts to our doctor's offices and maybe pick up one or two things if we can muster enough courage to combat the rest of the shoppers. My week promises to be a good one with meeting up with friends and sharing some cheer. And our weather continues to cooperates with the promise of plenty of sun.........with just enough cold bite to the air to remind us that it is, indeed, still December.

I loved this old oak tree down on the Elk River and decided to experiment with a few various editing applications. I like them both........they each have a 'frosty' look, don't you think?
Watching the Monday night football at Candlestick Point........twice the electricity went out, delaying first the beginning of the game, and again in the second quarter. What a mess........at least no one in the audience panicked. Must be hard on the players, though, to stop, start, stop, and start again. No wonder it's such a low scoring game.
Speaking of start and stop activities...........I just spent an hour talking on the phone and words have now lost their appeal for me, so I'll close this up and start getting ready to end the day.
Night all..........
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