I met up with a good friend who I hadn't seen in too long and it was wonderful to catch up, see how good she looked and sounded. She's a fellow photographer and sounds like she's moving on-ward-and-upward at full speed. Is putting my lazy self to shame! So, I thought I'd better try and get back with the program. And I actually enjoy shooting more in the fall and winter anyway. More diversity.
My family had a death in the family about a week ago. It was too far for me to travel, and I hadn't seen this cousin in decades. Still, she was the last of the older generation and my thinking was set to honor the past memories of our family's shared history. The good and not-so-good...........it all helps make us who we are and I like to believe that THAT's a good thing. We all have so much more to us than what we realize. I know I always seem to have a higher opinion of others than they do of themselves.......even by what they do or don't say. There's a saying that I think of every so often......"Who you are speaks louder about you than what you say and do." And people do do the best they can with what they have, at the time of their lives that they are, don't you think? This lady who passed on was a strong woman with strong convictions and a softer heart than I think she let many see. Her life was filled with many years of her own share of struggles, successes, losses and joys........ and much courage. And she passed through her final life phase still caring about others while demonstrating dignity and grace. I picture her rejoicing in happy reunions with past family and friends and wish her God-Speed.
So, these are some early autumn snaps that I took a couple of days ago. The one above I tinkered around with a little editing but it is a late still blooming hollyhock.......vivid pink which I only gave a hint of. When viewed on large it's amazing that there's a whole other world down deep in that flower........Guess that's why some people enjoy macro photography so well. The photo below is of one of our Japanese maples. It's so happy where it's planted.......(not too far from over the septic tank). I don't need to elaborate anymore on that.

Well, hope everyone is having a good weekend...........lots of football games and did you see that World Series??!! Wow~! That was something special this year!!
Have a great Sunday!
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