For those who know of Doug and Karen Hansen's beautiful B&B, The Compass Rose, there's going to be an extension built on that will offer space for future bunnies that need rescuing. This has been a long-time dream of Doug's (and Karen) and I hope that the rescue hutches will open the way for more in the future. But maybe it's best to not get ahead of ourselves...........especially by those 'selves' who aren't doing the building and tending. So this first photo on top is Doug measuring something for one of the next steps towards completion. It will have a place that will be protected from our sometimes fierce and blowy Port Orford winter storms. (That's my Norm with him, taking it all in)

And here are the furry little darlin's themselves. They don't know yet that there will soon be another couple to be moving into the neighborhood. For the photos, I fooled around with Photoshop..........cause that's what I seem to want to do right now.
I have to admit that I can never remember these little guys names. I'm pretty sure the boy is PJ, who's this little brown-haired one. I refer to the white lady of the hutch, as PJ's Mrs.

Hopefully there will be more photos in another week or so of the occupants of the new Bunny B&B.
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