Tomorrow the possibility of more showers returns but I think we're in for fairly good weather for a while. I'll be meeting some friends tomorrow down on the dock for lunch and will have camera ready to point at whatever I can find of interest.....which is lots! Maybe there might be a few crabs for sale, too. I've been more than ready. When the crab season first opened I bought some at a market and was pretty disappointed. I think I can tell which ones are caught out in deeper and colder waters......the meat is firmer and tastier. The ones caught closer
to shore have a little bit of a muddy taste to me. But maybe those were over-cooked and I don't know what I'm talking about. (Oh, say THAT isn't so!!)
New washer and dryer arriving tomorrow.......and hopefully I'll be at the dock enjoying my friends company, shooting wonderful and inspiring photography and eating a good lunch and that the arrival, hookup and all the confusion will be over by the time I return home. I really do hate to see large items arrive for delivery. I'm always worried someone is going to get hurt, with appliances falling, ladders collapsing.....whatever. Course, nothing of the sort ever happens but that doesn't stop my stomach from doing somersaults in watching the action. I prefer to just stay away.
Hope everyone has a great weekend lined up. We'll be busy and maybe even get some gardening done along with the good fresh air. Could be I'll have some crab shells to bury!!!
The rose photo is fabulous. Composition, sharpness, black background outlining the subject - excellent!