The little red berries looked so seasonal......I'm not sure now what they are.
And this brightly colored photo below is from the gum-ball machine at Farr's Hardware in Coos Bay. Always attracts the kid in you, don't they??

We had a little time to kill and drove down Beach Loop. The tide was high and still coming in and the waves were tall and splashy.........and guess who left their camera home still attached to the tripod and only carry an empty camera case with her?? I took some out the Coquille jetty with my little Kodak but haven't unloaded them yet to see how they turned out. I have a hard time getting unblurred photos with that camera........too small to usually balance on anything except myself. And I sway and rock to and fro fairly easily which is a possible reason why the photos are blurred........( do ya' think??)
Tomorrow we have our guests coming so I doubt I'll be posting anything for another day or so......you know you're gonna miss me, right?
So, remember to have great days and be safe.
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