You've met him before but get reacquainted with Norm celebrating his #80 birthday. Mr. Blue Eyes, of my own for 37 great years. I'm the one who received the gift!! His actual birthday is in a couple more days but he had an unexpected but welcome gift from friend and neighbor, Gary Anderson. Gary arrived with a heavy load of crabs, fully cooked and ready to eat!! and saying
"Happy Birthday, Norm"! The crabs are getting a little scarce right now so it was even more precious. Norm really felt so pleased to be remembered in this unexpected and gracious way. He specifically wanted me to acknowledge Gary's generosity and Norm's high regard for him. OK.........on to some of the lighter elements of Saturday's party.........

These two beautiful are Kylie on the right.......our great granddaughter and up and coming beauty........and Emily on the left, our great niece and also one who will give her father many a sleepless night in just a few more years. The girls are so photogenic and compliment each other so well for the camera. Both are at that age that enjoy practicing "The Pose". Truly a wonder to watch!!

This is Madeleine.......she has the grace of a young Grace Kelly. Tall and willowy with classic features, a warm smile and warm eyes and extreme intelligence. Beautiful inside and out.

Oh, Ben!!! He is so loveable!! Look at the twinkle in those eyes......I understand that there are many a girl that has a crush on this little Romeo. I think I'm one of them!! He's so fun and sends me very awesome emails!
I love all the people, young and not-so much, on this page. All so special and leaving enormous tracks on my life's pathway. Like I started this page saying......I'm the one receiving the Gifts!!
Lucky me.
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