This was actually taken on yesterday's morning walk. You can see how the sun is just starting to hit the upper part of the rock. And if you look closely you can see the gull sitting on top...."King of the Hill". I was pleased to learn today that the Sierra Club on Flickr has chosen this one for another Daily Ray of Hope printing or posting.....
The second shot is of a starfish (duh!!)
Karen and I went for our walk at about 10 o'clock and the tide was out and SO many starfish, anenomes, mussels and other odds and ends of sea creatures. I still have a harder time getting a photo that isn't a little blurry. I wobble and so does the monopod. Maybe try my tripod next time. But, most of the pleasure was just in the walk n' talk. Then lunch at Siren's with friends......a great morning!
The summer is getting busy! People are coming, things are going on and the sun still shines! Even had a little rain last night.....but the important part of that sentence is 'NIGHT". So, beautiful days. For this weekend of the 4th things will be very busy and so I probably won't be posting until Sunday night or Monday. Everyone have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!!
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