Had a few things to pick up at the store and since I seldom leave home without my handy little D90, off I went exploring. Actually, it was so windy today that I didn't think I'd get much but was surprised when I got home and downloaded onto the computer. I thought this first photo here of Cape Blanco in the distance would be so hazy and distant that it was a waste of a click. I was happy with the result though. And the wind was battering me around so it was hard to find a place to lean where the camera could remain fairly steady. Of course, my mono-pod was safely at home! The wind up there was pretty cold too. There was a man in a truck who waved, and then got out with a folding chair, set it up next to his truck and something to read and he was good to go.

I had to fight a little to get our truck door open so I can't see how his reading time could be very pleasant. But who knows.....maybe he traveled out from the Mid-west and had never seen an ocean and this was his fantasy......to experience your hair being pulled out by the roots by our crisp Oregon breezes.
So.....this second shot was from a mill pond over by Buffington Park. I liked the colors and the sense of serenity in this one. While I was there I kept hearing what sounded like a duck in distress. Well, I don't really know what a duck in distress actually sounds like, except that it was persistent. So I started up a path that eventually would lead to the park, to take a look. About half way up a couple of crows or ravens came into view, just cawing like mad, and the 'duck' was silent. I guessed that the duck was actually a young offspring who hasn't gotten the adult voice yet. I remember my chickens before they were ever pullets making very odd noises that sounded nothing like any chicken I'd ever heard. I figured that there was no duck needing any rescue so left.
I got a number of other shots today and will post them in the coming days. Everyone have a Happy Wednesday! Enjoy the sun, and even the wind, since I see hints in the weather reports that we might have some more of that stuff we think we've had more than enough of.
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