My first treat was a new Nikon lens that I had ordered a couple of weeks ago. It's called a "Nifty-Fifty". This rose portrait was taken using that lens. It's a prime rather than zoom or telephoto, but I think I'm going to love it.......Thank you so much, Gerry!!
The second delivery came while I was out.....my new mat cutter. It's much bigger than I'd expected. I'm going to have to find a place to be able to set it up permanently. I hope it will fit on my studio desk. Everyone who has one has told me that once I practice a little I should have no problem at all, so my hopes are high.
In the second photo here, a little storm system was blowing in that day and this was taken out at Cape Blanco. You can see the lighthouse looking pretty small up on the bluff on the right side of the photograph. For some reason, in looking at this and comparing sizes, I found it sort of astounding that the lighthouse looked dwarfed by the huge expanse of the bluff, then the ocean and especially the sky. Suddenly that lighthouse that has always struck me as so substantial looked pretty insignificant. Now picture your wee little self standing
next to it. Then I carried that thought on to how much potential is in that little me standing there on the bluff. And that human-kind has worked with, if not conqured certain aspects of much of what is represented by the lighthouse, bluff, sea and sky.

OK......maybe tomorrow I need to go photograph an ant......8-D)
Everyone have a wonderful Thursday!
I have that lens and you will absolutely love that lens. It takes the most awesome shots. I really like it for portrait shots of people. There is no beating that lens. It has been a favorite of Nikonophiles for years. I'm one of them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me know. I haven't heard anything but positive things about it.