With the sun not making as much of an appearance so far this year, I have tried processing so the photos aren't quite so drab. This first shot was taken off of Beach Loop in Bandon. If you could view an enlarged version of this you can see scads of birds on the rocks off-shore. I bet with my telephoto I could get some of nesting birds.

This second was taken from our dock here in Port Orford. Actually, the tints I used on the rock gives it a little more interest, I think. I'm not much of a plain-brown color fan.
All these rocks on tonights posts.....it must be because I feel like a rock! My ill-used muscles are protesting mightily and loudly against the gardening over the weekend and today. Tomorrow I take it a little easier......appointment in the morning and in the afternoon I hope to visit a couple of impish twins. I'll bring my camera and share.
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