This next shot is a fern that's growing through the steps down to the garden. All that symmetry.
Eventually it will be pulled up so no one trips on it but for now we can look and admire another little jewel of nature.

I guess there won't be anymore gardening this week. The rains have returned. One friend of mine is having great results from her new vegetable garden......lettuce (yum!), broccoli, chard, spinach. Except for the chard all cooler coastal loving crops. But their garden is sure further along than ours. I've gotten some parsley....period!
Up on the
deck, our petunias are glaring at Norm everytime he passes them.........or so Norm says. They definitely aren't growing and in fact, look like they're cold and sort of shriveling a little. Such a weird weather pattern. Our cherry tomato plant does have blossoms on something' working. Tell that to the petunias!

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