Today a good part of the afternoon was dedicated to the frustration of installing a new printer. I think this new printer, a Kodak, is really going to be a winner, but oh.....the angst of trying to find out which wire leads to which plug leads to which outlet....then how to untangle and figure the work of getting said wire and plug from point A to point B. Of course it called for moving half the house hold to finally accomplish. And actually trying to SEE in the dark corners behind the over-built desk and hutch that houses the whole mess. But!!! I can really use it where I couldn't figure much of anything out of my old one and sure couldn't print any photos. And it was SO noisy! The Kodak? Easy. And the colors weren't at all bad for me to use in making up my greeting cards.
I did get out today, with tripod, to take a couple of snaps in the front garden. The first one is our Pieris Andromeda. Every spring it has these delicate looking little clusters of white bells. They make pretty good cut bouquets, too. Now the lower photo.......This clivia I call the "Survivor". When I first found it in a nursery down in Auborn, California, it was barely alive because of having been left out in the snow and freeze. But it came back with some TLC, and blooming time after time, and multiplying over and over again. I've been able to divide it and share with many friends here in Port Orford and I think they have better results than I do, usually. This winter, the poor ole' thing had a repeat nightmare.......left out in the snow and freeze. I thought I might have lost, not just one, but three potted plants I had in front. Well, as you can see, here comes one big beautiful bloom on one plant and there's another on one of the others. The leaves aren't looking too good yet.....in fact they're fairly non-existent, but the blooms are celebrating Renewed Life! Again!

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