These are a couple of shots I took last weekend at the Kids Art Class. A very gifted and talented artist/teacher by lovely name of Anastasia, came all the way over from Coquille for two Saturdays to work with the children in creating their own works of art. The results were pretty remarkable. I especially like the one here by Jason Wilhite and his portrayal of the "Aye, Matey!" pirate

Any pirate with eyebrows like that has to be a bad guy, right?
Pretty good, don't you think? They used poster paint and as neat as everyone tried to be, somehow I even got some on me and my camera. Neon Yellow, to be exact.
This second photo is of the sweet little Rayna Grace and her finger painting exercise. She's still pretty young but is growing into her own creative style rapidly. When she first came last year, I have one photo where she hadn't quite mastered the art of holding a crayon or brush other than awkwardly. I'm almost sure that any day now she'll be branching into calligraphy. 8-D)) In the most beautiful color blue she can find.
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