I received a beautiful spring bouquet recently and thought I'd share some of it with you. This first one is such a vibrant and alive yellow!! And one of the many benefits of photography, I'm finding, is the many little close-up details I really see now.....like the inner workings of this lily. Or other times, the fine detail and intricacy of a birds feather.....just amazing.
This second photo is a sweet little pink pom-pom something daisy. What I really like about this particular shot is that rich blue off to the left! I can almost feel it!! I just realized that this is Easter week as well as the on-coming march of all the beautiful spring blooms. I would think that in another week or two....or three, we'll be seeing all the aromatic wild azaleas up in the Langlois area of Hwy. 101. Well.....maybe the rhoddys come first. Which ever comes first they all bring a joy and welcome to the senses.

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