The second photo is of the cove right off the dock. Is that Nellie's Cove or is Nellie's around the next corner? Whatever.....the color of the cove's water was tropical looking in that wonderful blue/green. Who says that Rick is the only one who can enjoy that color water right now? The water in this photo of mine doesn't show the deep color like it did in person.....the light was hitting it and I didn't have my lens hood with me. Actually, what I really noticed when I took this was the fabulous formation of that big pyramid-like rock. Oh....I do think this is Nellie's Cove. I was up there recently taking distant photos of Canada geese lined up along that very rock but from the other side. (I think. Emily??)
I posted this photo on Flickr and one of the comments was that our area looks like paradise. I may be prejudiced, but I agree.

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