I didn't get out much today....not only the weather, but a friend came over today to show me a much more efficient way of handling photos from camera-to folder-to Adobe-to where ever. One of the photos I already had in the camera was of Willie, the Queen Mum of our household. I don't know why her eyes turned so green. They look a little out-of-this-worldish, don't they? Norm would readily agree she might very well be the Devil Cat disguising herself as a pet.
The second pic is of me, in case you didn't know....HA! I was badly in need of a new profile photo. So......there ya' go.
BTW.......for any that might be interested, I'm working on getting together some of my photos as greeting cards. The photos will be 4" x 6" placed on 5" x 7" cards, with envelope. Price is $3 each or 6 for $16.
You can check out my Flickr photostream to pick any photos you might like. Just go to Flickr.com and my 'handle' is Snap-Smith, same as this blog. And of course, you can always get a hold of me directly either by email or comment here.

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