The wild and wooley weather of the last two days finally subsided today...at least for a while. We thought we might take a short walk and get in some exercise before another one rolls in later today. It was drizzling lightly and I had my camera inside my jacket for most of the walk. And always!!!! I could kick myself for not remembering to change over to my telephoto lens! The deer seen above would have been just great to do a close up of. They stayed where they were, carefully watching my every move, while I shot one photo after another. Well....maybe next time.

This second one is a piece of dead branch that we found with some kind of conk or lichen.....not a mushroom I don't think.....but whatever it is I looks pretty, doesn't it? If it is a conk, it's hard to believe that these little guys would grow so large and become so hard that certain talented artists carve, woodburn or paint on them.
So.....that was about it for today. The forecasts say we'll be getting a series of storm coming in with lots of wind again. And rain. again! So find a good book, a cozy fire, and a hearty bowl of soup
and you'll be all set!
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