What a beautiful day~~Looks like we've returned to our previously warm December weather before we were so rudely interrupted by Mother's Nature's fury. The rivers and fields can return to their normal containment, critter's can gorge, and we can warm our spirits and bones in the warm winter sun............ In that order.......
My mind is so focused these days with this summer's Alaskan cruise, that if I keep this up, it's going to be a veeeerrry loooonng summer! I ordered a new ultra wide angle lens yesterday and am excited about that, too. Then the lens called for a new polorized filter........the list keeps growing! Time to rein in for awhile.........darn it!

These two photos were taken a few days ago out at Cape Blanco on a day between rains. The waves were showing off their 'bridal veils" but surprisingly it wasn't all that windy up on the bluff. Usually I can barely stand upright and I understand from others that a few days before that you couldn't even open the car door. Winds 110 MPH does that kind of thing! That along with 11.50 inches of rain within on 24 hour stretch definitely does flood a lot of places! We're up high enough to not worry about flooding, but the thought that our house could slide down the canyon has entered my mind every so often when I want to worry about something. Can't actually do anything about that so there's no point in even thinking on it.
This Sunday is Norm's and my 39th wedding anniversity. Wow! That is a long time! Seems like only yesterday in one regard and a lifetime in another. And he's been my hero for all 39 of those years~~bar none.
So, wishing you all a happy weekend.........maybe get out and garden a little, huh?? Don't fall for the mid-season sucker-hole, though. The warm sun makes us think we can plant some pretty little flowers or start some spring/summer seeds. We did that a number of times back when.....only to have the freezing weather return; sometimes even snow.
Whatever you end up doing be safe and enjoy the beautiful respite.
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