In the below posting, that's Jerry in a longer view so it shows just how way up there he is. (Pass the parachute, please!)
Today Norm and I picked up a couple of items from the new Mexican restaurant in town, "Don Rey"........Very good and we recommend it for a tasty and filling meal. I ordered a couple of tamales...........delicious. They reminded me of my favorite when I lived back in San Francisco. Our family used to go down to Taravel Street and get the huge corn husk tamales. Memories seem to increase in fondness as time goes by, but really, Don Rey's were just as good as I remember from my childhood. Norm ordered an Adobada Burrito. Since I never heard a word from him and his burrito disappeared at mock speed, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he enjoyed it.........a lot.
We seem to be getting our Indian Summer.......at least today. It was beautiful! I picked blackberries, huckleberries, cooked up the last of the chard and the first of the string beans. Those beans were wonderful! So tender! Blue Lake or something like that is the type. We have to plant them again next year and they're much easier to pick (pole) than the bush bean that we usually plant.
So........that's been our day.........hope yours went well as well as the rest of the week~
Happy Monday!
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