The Smith's have all loved their gardens. Lucy, Norm's sister, had gorgeous gardens and her daughter Ann had it looking like a page out of great English garden magazine. Roses blooming and clematis getting ready.....ferns, shrubs and a lawn that looked like a thick green carpet. This top photo is Norm watering his own veggie garden and surrounded by blooming hollyhocks, daisy and red cornus. I fooled around with my new Topaz and it looks like a painting now. Softer, which seems to match the mood I feel in this scene.

Lucy's memorial lunch was a beautiful tribute to her.......her daughters and other family and close friends, supplied everything they could think of that Lucy loved. Everything from Goldfish crackers to fried chicken and delicious blackberry pies. There were many photos of beautiful Lucy and two from her earlier life are the photos I took, above and below. Well, the one above was of Lucy.......beautiful, no??
and the lower was a poster from the Aquacade back in 1940. There were funny and heartwarming stories of Lucy to share as well as plenty of catching up with family. Many family members continued on down to the Klamath River for a family reunion.

A good weekend having a friend for dinner last night and today, just lazy and enjoying the summer day............Hope yours was good and your coming week even better!
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