Well........who do we have here?? Mr. Blue-eyes exactly as I like 'em. I love this particular smile of Norm's. He was telling me a joke or something and it was taking forever to finish it.........so I pointed my camera at him and started clicking. I now know that if you start taking someone's picture, they stop talking.......
Discovered a handy little tool!

Not to rain on anyone's parade, but have you noticed how there are a few maples that are getting a blush to their leaves?? And our vine maple rapidly turning color. That's always been the case with that one though...........it marches to it's own drummer.
The two flowers here are the same as one I posted a few days ago. I still don't know what they are but do know they're bulbs. Different colors might make a nice photo set for future printings.
I tried a new place for lunch today. Pat S. told me about it and we decided to give it a try. Very good sandwiches. They also have a variety of pizza's as well. The name is something-Kat's or Kat's something........I should have paid more attention. It's located in the old Wild Rose Bistro in Bandon in old town. I recommend you give it a try.
Norm had yet another birthday lunch at Redfish, compliments of Steve Roemen.
One of these days Norm's birthday celebrations will finish up!
Thursday we head on over to Eugene for a memorial lunch for Norm's sister, Lucy. She was a wonderful lady and a strong, beautiful woman. I wrote about her sometime last year when she passed. Lucy was in the Aquacades at the World's Fair in San Francisco, along with her long time friend, Esther Williams and Johnny Weismuller of Tarzan fame. She's missed and is leaving a wonderful legacy in her wake........the value of a life is when you leave the world a better place than when you entered. Lucy's life had so very much value!

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week and a fun-filled weekend!