Well, has everyone recovered from their 4th of July celebrations?? It seems to have left a lot of people sort of turned upside down in their time and space. I did get to the parade which is always fun.........love looking for different things to photograph and I'm never disappointed! Especially with the children. They are so cute and very funny! It brings me back to when I was shooting the Saturday Kids Art Program. They're just so natural and innocent in their approach to everything.......and so much is new and untried. Including their feelings about everything. What you see is what you got! And if not.........well, they're the sad ones.

These are a couple of photos I took on the way back from Cape Blanco the other day. Beautiful this time of year, hmm? The lovely wild parsnip in this one directly above.........such an abundance of it! And the top image is really of that wonderful pine that's been bent by the winds. All who live in our area know what kind of winds can be found out on the Cape. I still resent the fact that it took my favorite baseball hat I brought back from Scotland! Grrrrr...........
Simply Delightful, Jeffrey's Salon and Inge's new shop are all combining energy this Saturday for another garden show and exhibit. This one will have a fashion show with articles from Simply Delightful and Jeffrey's. And I might be running ahead of myself regarding Inge's. We'll have to wait and see. Inge is an extremely talented seamstress as well as maker of other hand crafted items. There will be music, food and drink, the fashion show and lots of fun. Photo exhibits will again be shown with Pat Stannard of Langlois, Lois Miller of Port Orford, and myself. Hope to see you there...........that's Saturday evening from 6pm to ?? Again, in the lovely little garden behind the Piercy Sweet Suites. Come have fun!
That half snag/half tree always fascinates me - I love looking at it and imagine what it may have endured over time...