My niece up in Beaverton was still getting rain today, but I think a return to summer is coming to Oregon.
Today had me putting some of my photos down at Dorothy & Denny Dana's 'Trading Post".........their delightful little gallery of this n' that. It's always fun to see your own work up in a new display. If you get a chance, drop on by, take a look and let me know what you think.

The black and white photos are from my files.......I seem to still be in my B&W mood. These were taken at Garrison Lake while ago.....maybe last summer or fall.
I had a special treat arrive in the mail today from my friend, David. I had posted a silly little thing on Facebook about how important bubblewrap might be in one's life. It was a spoof, of course and there were some silly comments written in reply. So, today I received a package from Amazon......it even had a big smiley face of the box. Inside, was 30' of (unpopped!) bubblewrap!! And it was wrapped in an orange satin ribbon!! When I first opened it I hadn't read the message and didn't know who it was from......only pretty sure (?) that I wasn't the one who had ordered it. So, in my confusion and until I could figure this out, I automatically began popping that wonderful bubblewrap............that IS what it's for, isn't it?? Too help me in my more confused moments?? Times of stress?? It gave Norm and I some good laughs and reminds us of how sometimes giving an unannounced and nonsensical surprise gift, for no other reason than to make someone else smile, warms the hearts of all concerned. And if not, well, I'll just go pop some bubbles! 8-))