It started off beautiful......sunny, warm with promises of even warmer and maybe humid weather. Then.....something happened that wasn't expected............mysterious pause inserted here..........fog and overcast came to ruin everything~~So, now Norm is out bar-b-quing with his jacket on and I'm running around closing up windows and turning on the heat. Time to put some shoes and socks, too. I had been planning on titleing this post 'The First Day of Summer'.......but 'Last Day of Spring' seems a little closer to the truth. Well, tomorrow's another day and we can only hope!
Had a great lunch today at Redfish. A new menu to study and I'm wanting to try everything. Wonderful cranberry-walnut bread with turkey and swiss cheese was great......and the roasted potato with a dizzle of truffle oil. So good! Lots of people there, too! Some local and some tourists.....Lots of bustling around and much chattering background sounds. And our table of 4 women did our share of contributing in that regard! Never a silent moment!

These posted photos are again from my shoot out by Garrison Lake. The first one is of some grass blowing in our famous breezes. I like the bit of yellow peeking through from the dandeloins. And the second is of a dead tree that was down a hill and meeting up with some reeds in the lake. If you can look at it on large, it's a nice contrast of textures and like one friend said, it almost looks like a pencil drawing.
Enjoy your first day of summer.........may the sun re-appear with
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