Driving through Bandon on the way home from Coos Bay and the sun came out for a few minutes.....long enough to cast beautiful light over the very busy Pacific. The wave action was incredible and you can see more of it in the first photo than the second. You can also see the rain on the horizon in the above. The second was taken just a short time before and it's amazing that the light can change so rapidly so quickly. It was a very pretty ride home.........in our new car. The new RAV4 is very comfortable, smooth riding and lots of leg room for Norm. Not a problem that I share...........

It was a good day. Norm had a doctor's appointment and had such a good "bill of health" that his still-amazed doctor doesn't need to see him for another six months!! Such good news!
I'm hoping to have the opportunity to get more photos shot tomorrow. The weatherman says showers but around here you never know.............but fingers crossed!
Hope you all have great plans in the making for the weekend. It's coming up fast!!
"Life is sacred. Life is art. Life is sacred art." Gabrielle Roth
Super images of Bandon's sea stacks and elephant rock! Good the hear Norm passed his medical tests :-)