I allowed impulse buying to bite me yesterday..........while getting a new mobile mouse for my laptop (I think I hear 'someone' yelling Halleuja!) I saw a Kindle reader. I've been wanting one for a while but hadn't researched it yet. But the price was pretty good and I bought one, all excited in registering it with Amazon and ordering my first book. It was supposed to come through in about a minute..........nothing.........I waited 10 minutes.......nothing. Seems I need to have a Wi-Fi to receive it. Do any of you share in my resistence and confusion about all things electronic?? So, as I understand it, I'd now need a special router to make this Kindle work. Which I don't want to do. So, this weekend I'll be heading back up to return it, go over to Fred Meyer's to buy the correct Kindle.........It costs a little more but I think will eventually pay for itself over and over considering the money I spend now on ordering books plus postage and handling, of course. And I don't want to even know what I'd need a Wi-Fi for!
So..........the photos: This first one is of our own Battlerock standing like a monolith in the Pacific and under pretty ominous looking clouds. If it wasn't for that green grass in the foreground, you'd almost think this was a black and white, huh?
This second photo was of our Port Orford working dock. See the fishing boats off to the right of the dock involved in some activity. And the dock itself looks like it's fairly busy to me......cars, boats.....and I know that Griff's was handling their usual lunch crowd although you can't see it here........the parking lot up at that end was filled with cars. Locals and tourists, alike.

Donna, I have a Nook from Barnes and Noble. While you do need wi fi, it is all touch without the buttons. Congrats on your kindle. My Nook is wonderful. That is all I do besides garden, and yes, we have lettuce, too. As well as spinach, beets, onions, radishes. I planted outside though and they are doing well. Have a fun day, Cheryl