Or, "Here's Lookin At You, Kid" and the eyes definitely have it in this shot, huh?
This pretty girl was in a fish tank at a restaurant in Charleston. I thought she was particularly friendly since she seemed to pose for the camera, would follow my hand, and did all but grin at me. I found out that what she and her more-timid mate do is to.........beg!! Good place for it at the entrance into the restaurant. The waitress told me that there used to be a dish of fish food and people would go a little overboard in feeding the fish but it did teach them to beg whenever anyone stops to notice them. And here I thought it was my sparkling personality!! 8-))

As long as we're talking fish (we are, aren't we?) Here's one of a dolphin hidden in the grasses at WildSpring. Didn't I tell you that I took a lot of photos?? And this image below is of one of the items in the Guest Hall and is for sale. I think it's my favorite of all the other items shown. And I love the fact that the egg has no face. Usually, if it's Humpty-Dumpty, there is a face drawn on...........I like the minimal, unadorned look. Leaves your imagination room to create.....or not.

Quiet day around our place. Next week I'm off visiting my niece and her beautiful family so I'm sorting through what I might bring. Always!! Always, too much! And then when I get where I'm going, I wish I had packed something additional. It's as regular a happening as that 'first-fire-of-the-season' I wrote about......and the promises to not repeat the overpacking. I'm beginning to think I might be a little on the predictable side. 8-) Anyway, my blog might be posted a little on the hit & miss side but undoubtedly I'll want to report my adventures of the day along with some photos.
Wow!! Friday coming up already!! Still one day to make great plans for the weekend. The weather is still cooperating but it won't be long before the rains return so get yourselves outside and enjoy!!
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