Today was the first day I was able to get back to the Kids Art Program at the Library. I'm just amazed at how fast these little kids are growing and changing. They're all just great and seem to be completely at ease with each other and their enjoyment of learning and having fun. Today it was making mobiles. Most have done this once before last year, but there was some new items brought in for them to work with.
The first photo up there is of Quinn. Now, all of the time he was there he was very busy and dedicated to building his mobile/s.......but the camera sees all, you know.......and here we catch him trying to lasso a dead spider. Such a typical boy!! I had a hard time not laughing. 8-)) !!
This second shot is of Rio who agrees with me wholeheartedly that she is just growing up so quickly. And she'll be having a new brother or sister sometime this year. I bet she'll be a great big-sister, too. Rio is her own person......and I'm going to show you by including a photo that's one of my favorites of the day.......Rio dressed herself and she is a unique and creative little girl.....as you can see. I think she looked so darn cute!! So.....I'm glad to be back shooting the kids that attend. (That always just sounds SO wrong, huh?) As I take care of any editing or whatever, I'm once again sitting the afternoon wearing a big happy grin as I look at these little special beings. Another......8-)))
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