This is a little scene from my garden.....which we named "the fairie garden" for obvious reasons........
The news from our place in the sun, is all over the map this week. As are this selection of photos. The photo here on top is of my first daylilly bloom. I love daylillies.......and for the longest time they only seemed to come in the standard there are so many different colors and them all but my favorite is probably the cheerful yellow.
Our house was shown for the first time this season. Apparently it went well and the way we continue to hear how the market is really getting back on track, it's promising.........
The rhoddy above is from friend, Nanci and Ray's garden. These have to be about the biggest and most boisterous of the rhododendrons. It's a large shrub anyway and covered with these flowers just make quite a statement. They look like they should have a wonderful aroma, but before you lean down to out for all the little fly-type critters in there~I'll post a close up of one of the blooms soon. It's a whole n'other world in there!

Those of you who are friends of mine on Facebook probably know about our bear encounter. That really livened up my afternoon and evening yesterday~A large black bear only about 3 feet away, casually climbing up and over the railing of our deck. It obviously didn't see me until I pounded on the window. That brought me to about one foot away. and that was AFTER I looked for my camera and realized it was in the other room. It did escape back down into the canyon but after the regular parade of critters making their way to the bird feeding station this year, we've eliminated the sunflower seeds altogether, and the thistle to be up only during the day to mid-afternoon.
Some of you might have been aware of the recent FDA investigation of Costco's frozen fruit medley that might be responsible for Hepatitis A infecting some. It's an Oregon based company that sells to Costco and apparently the fruit comes from many sources and other countries. The pomegranates from Turkey seem to be the guilty fruit. My sister was one of those that contacted Hepatitis A. She was notified by a recorded message from Costco about the possible contamination. She's still not feeling right........and although this is still an
investigation, it would be wise to steer clear of Townsend brand frozen fruit for while. Or if this is a product that you have bought and still have in your freezer, you might want to hold on to it until you know more......
This cute little house in the last photo is here in Port Orford........When I took this photo a friendly and curious little pug was staring out the window at me, wondering what I was doing. Snap-snap......
Next week I'll be hopefully taking some photos of Tim Belmonte's new 'compound' on Hwy. 101 in the south of Bandon.........Jeffrey's. It's already showing itself to be a great success and with Tim's creativity, it's only going to get better. I was up last week and had a delicious of my favorite lunches. If you have a chance to stop in, do. It will be well worth it........and take a look at the gorgeous chickens in their own charming little coop.
Have a great week, everyone.........enjoy your Monday!!