Hi Everyone.......Norm and I are both back home now after a grueling month of some serious health issues for Norm.......a couple of surgeries.......and now the happy road to recovery and good health. I was staying in Coos Bay while Norm was in the hospital and completely centered and concentrated on everything to do with him. No photography or blogging. He's just remarkable in his recovering process. He was so debilitated and weak not that long ago and is now moving around, lifting firewood when I'm not looking and starting to gain some of those 20 lbs. he's lost. While going through all the ups and downs of this personal crisis, we realized how very lucky we were to have each other. There are many, many people who don't have anyone. We just can't imagine how extremely hard that must be. And we squeeze each other's hand just a little tighter.
And there have been so many angels in our corner to help and encourage, to love and pray for us that it's been truly humbling. Love to you all.......and you know who you are. One of those angels, Nancy and her daughter Sherry, brought us over a delicious platter of turkey and all the trimmings for our Thanksgiving dinner. As they were coming in the house, Sherry, who I hadn't met before, told me she had something to show me that would surprise me very much. Well, THAT was putting it mildly!! See this hummingbird tattoo below?? Sherry had her boyfriend follow one of my posted photos to have her foot inked!!! Pretty cool, huh? I felt very complimented. AND the dinner was delicious!

These following shots were of our snow day of earlier in the week. We don't get snow here often, which is fine with some people, but if I can stay home and not worry about driving in it, I love it. For the short time it falls and hopefully sticks, the world is transformed into a quiet, pristine wonderland. Think Norman Rockwell........

Now I'm looking forward to getting the house looking ready for Christmas. I haven't done any shopping yet but I'll get there. I really couldn't face all the Black Friday sales. Many started in the middle of the night, for Pete's Sake!!! That's just crazy. Guess I just love my flannel sheets too much.
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and have a safe and meaningful holiday season. And I will, too.